Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

JUST DANCE by Lady Gaga

I’ve had a little bit too much
All of the people start to rush.
start to rush by.
How does he twist a dance?
Can’t find my drink or man.
Where are my keys, I lost my phone.
What’s go-ing out on the floor?
I love this record baby, but I can’t see straight anymore.
Keep it cool what’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, alright.

Just dance. Gunna be okay.
Just dance. Spin that record babe.
Just dance. Gunna be okay.
ju, ju, just
Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance.

Wish I could shut my playboy mouth.
How’d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe.
Control your poison babe
Roses with thorns they say.
And we’re all gettin’ hosed tonight.
What’s go-ing out on the floor?
I love this record baby, but I can’t see straight anymore.
Keep it cool what’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, alright.


When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue.
Can’t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw.
And I ain’t gonn’ give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car
I’ma hit it, I’ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr’ yeah.
Shorty I can see you got so much energy
The way you twirling up them hips round and round
There’s no reason at all why you can’t leave here with me
In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down.


half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint it’s symphonic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint electronic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint it’s symphonic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint electronic

Go. Use your muscle comin out work and hustle
I got it, just stay close enough to get it
Go slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean it’s been molesto, I got it, and your popped coll’


Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Udah Mau Kelas 3 nih:)

Do not waiting for long time, and our time to be collegian will come. There are only two choices. Wanna be happy getting our favorite university of course with our fav faculty or only waiting for the chance (just stuck waiting for SNMPTN or maybe only get private university). Jangan sampe dah!! amit-amit kalo dapet swasta:(

I think, knowledge is not enough for being an succesfull student. We need more. We must have both of these that I wanna get perfectly. They are interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. But what I wanna get and I wanna know for now is about intrapersonal intelligence. I have some experience about my unlucky intrapersonal. So I wanna share about this by writing this new entry.

For me, intrapersonal intelligence is our skill, ability, or management by myself to control about my self, my heart, my mind in a good way and a right way of course. Or it is about our understanding of ourselves, so that we can control our emotion, attitude,and how to understand ourselves in seeing environtment.

Wow, mungkin penjelasan gw rada membingungkan yah. Maklumlah gw bukan anak filosofi, so it's hard for me to make some theory by myself,huh. Pokoknya ya, menurut gw intrapersonal itu sangaaaat penting. Kenapa? karna dengan punya intrapersonal yg baik, kita bisa mengontrol diri bagaimana seharusnya kita bersikap dan menyikapi setiap keadaan yang baik atau yang buruk dengan pikiran yang positif dan baik. Ni contohnya, ketika temen kita mendapatkan prestasi. bagaimana sikap kita seharusnya? Kalo kita punya intrapersonal yg baik, maka kita akan bersikap positif seperti kita akan menjadi senang dan bangga atas perstasi teman kita itu, bukan malah menjadi iri dengki dan so on lah.

Susah lho buat punya pikiran yang positif, ikhlas, ga ada iri, ga ada dengki dan so on. Harus ada dasar yang kuat dan pegangan yang kuat atau mental yang kuat lah. Bisa dibilang mental sang juara yang bisa menerima kesuksesaan orang lain, sekalipun kita pada saat itu belum mencapai kesuksesan seperti kesuksesan yang teman kita raih.

Nah ini hubungannya sama kelas 3 yang uda ada didepan mata, gw nih pengen banget buat punya intrapersonal yg baik. Gw ga mau lg punya negatif thinking sama orang, ga mau iri-iri.an lagi sma orang, ga mau dengki sm orang, dan gw tuh ya mau menjadi orang yang ikhlas. Nah kalo gw udah punya itu semua gw tuh rasanya tenang banget kalo ngejalanin idup terutama kalo gw mw UN dan SNMPTN. Oh iya gw juga mau minta MAAF sama semua orang yang gw pernah salah sama mereka. Lebay bgt ya kelihatannnya! tp beneran gw tuh pengen berubah mnjd lebih baik lg. Terutama jd orang yang positif thinking, ga iri.an, ga dengki.an, dan jadi orang yang tentunya selalu ikhlas dalam mengerjakan sesuatu.

So that's way we must have a good intrapersonal, so we will have a better life. Enjoy your life of course with your outstanding Intrapersonal:)

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Loe kawan apa "foe".!

This is a real and factual story! Sorry for this publication! May be this is as a explanation of my status in facebook? I don't know. huh

I really don't know what is friend for. I haven't felt happy, very enjoy, and felt about the function of friends at all. I only a person that have not really good experience of friendship. I do not know why I was born with very poor luck. One thing that I really don't understand is why someone that I love as my close friend, do something that very disgusted. She trapped and plunged me such her real foe. I don't know what I have done to her so that she can do such a thing like that. One thing that I want to know is why can she do that damn thing!

I don't know what should I do to make my self free from such this damn feeling. Honestly, I just wanna forget this and make something new in my life. I just wanna be an ordinary girl with many good and outstanding friend. I love friendship.

I know that I don't have a good English, so I hope for "YOU" (someone as the object of my story) will not understand about this. Yeah I am a loser.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

76, Nilai Biologi Gw yang Baru :'(

It's a great time to cry, while seeing my new score of *"Babilogi",huh.

* Babilogi=biologi

Wow, today 29 of May 2010, I got my biologi score. It's 76. Bete banget ga tuh liat nilai mata pelajaran yang kita sukain cuma dapet 76. Emang sih kalo gw perhatiin nilai biologi gw tu ga perna yang namanya dapet diatas 78. Tapi ga tau kenapa bu Yuli bisa milih gw buat ikut olimpiade (bukannya gw sombong nii,, hha), heran banget ga tuh. Gw cinta bgt dah sama bu Yuli:), sayangnya guru Justify Fullgw yang satu itu tuh udah mutusin buat pindah ke Jakarta.

Okay, we return back to my problem. Gw sih emang ga perna sedih kalo liat nilai biologi gw selalu aja kecil, yaa walopun gw selalu jadi TIMSES biologi. Tapi gw akan selalu berharap kalo suwaktu-waktu gw dapet nilai yang gede di mata pelajaran yang paling gw cintai itu. Dan semoga pelajaran itu yang akan membawa masa depan gw menjadi cerah, alias dengan basic biologi gw bisa menjadi sukses dan semoga gw bisa kerja dimana biologi itu menjadi dasar dari pekerjaan gw. Gw ga akan pernah berputus harapan tentang cita-cita gw itu, walopun nilai gw ga perna besar dan walopun orang-orang men-misjudge gw ga bagus di biologi atas dasar nilai gw yang jelek itu. Karna gw percaya dengan apa yang kita yakini dan dengan usaha yang baik kita akan bisa memutar keadaan. Buktinya aja bu Yuli cukup percaya sama gw buat join di olim biologi. Bukan maksud gw buat sombong dengan gw nulis kayak gini, tapi gw bener bener butuh banget motivasi buat ngelanjutin cita-cita gw yang sempet nge-down gara-gara opini publik tentang kedokteran ditambah lagi sama nilai gw yang pas-pasan. :'(.

Dan ga heran kalo nilai gw yang satu itu dapet 76, nih ya gw ceritain kondisi gw pada saat kejadian. Pada saat itu keadaan gw belom bener-bener pulih dari yang namanya sakit DBD. Terus ga semua materi sempet gw pelajarin, kayak simpatetik dan parasimpatetik, dan polarisasi dan depolarisasi. Buta banget deh istilahnya, cuma bisa ngandalin feeling. Dan gw saluut banget sama temen-temen gw yang dapet nilai gede kayak Hidaii, Amel, Tiara, Ira, dan Ali. ten thumbs up lah buat kalian semua. Dan buat temen-temen gw yang lainnya yang nilainya ga jauh-jauh amat sama gw, kayak yg dapet kepala 7, kepala 6, kepala 5 ataupun yang dapet kepala 4 semangat ya guys. :).

Mau ngomongin apa lagi yaa? Segini aja kali yaa. Lain kali kalo ada yang menarik lagi nanti gw posting dah. That's all. Sorry if there's some faults I made in this posting. This blog I made not for allude someone, but I just wanna share my problems. bye..